P-06-1288 Deliver Magor and Undy Walkway Station, part of the Burns Delivery Programme, as a quick win, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 25.01.23


Dear petitions committee,


Thank you for your email and chance to comment on the documents.


I can confirm that the information provided is in line with our (MAGOR's) understanding as, since and because of the committee's earlier actions, we have had useful meetings with -

and are soon to meet Nichole Sarra - TfW.


We are satisfied that progress is being made and are being kept informed, largely as a consequence of the committee's involvement, but the committee should remember that if the whole South Wales rail corridor project becomes unaffordable, Magor and Undy can be progressed without major changes to the existing infrastructure.


Kind regards


Paul Turner

MAGOR Committee Member